How Eating Bananas Help You Lose Weight

Bananas are a highly effective food for weight loss. However, some people are able to successfully lose weight by eating bananas, while others have no effect, what is the difference? This article summarizes the tips to lose weight without fail with bananas.

Why bananas can lose weight?

Bananas are rich in nutrients, including dietary fiber, B vitamins and potassium. These nutrients can boost the body’s metabolism and help burn fat and lose weight. The “banana diet” consists of eating 1 or 2 bananas and drinking room temperature water at one of the three meals a day.

Banana diet can achieve good weight loss results, specifically because of these 4 major effects:

1. Bananas can increase the body’s basic metabolism
Bananas are rich in B vitamins, which can boost basal metabolism. When the basal metabolism is increased, the body will burn more calories in the daily life. In other words, when you eat bananas, you will develop a lean body mass, which makes weight loss easier.

Specifically, vitamin B in bananas has the following effects:

  • – Vitamin B1: Promotes carbohydrate metabolism and converts carbohydrates into energy for the body.
  • – Vitamin B2: promotes lipid metabolism, converting fat into essential energy.
  • – Vitamin B6: promotes protein metabolism.

2. Banana is a low calorie, low GI food.

Bananas are sweet tasting and high in carbohydrates, but unlike regular sugar, bananas have natural sugar. Moreover, bananas have a low GI value of 47. When eaten, less insulin is secreted and sugar is absorbed more slowly.

So eating a banana will keep you feeling full for a long time and help prevent overeating. In addition, a 100 grams of banana contains about 89 calories, while a cup of 150 rice has 252 calories, so replacing rice with a banana in a meal can reduce the calories by less than half!

3. Banana relieves constipation and improves intestinal health

Constipation causes an imbalance in the intestinal environment, making it difficult to absorb nutrients from food. If you are malnourished, your basal metabolism will be slowed down, making it difficult for you to lose weight. Therefore, dieters should prevent constipation from occurring.

Every 100 grams of bananas contain 0.1 grams of soluble dietary fiber and 1.0 grams of insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber can slow down the rise of blood sugar levels; insoluble dietary fiber has the property of water absorption and expansion, which will stimulate the intestinal tract and promote defecation.

4. Bananas are rich in potassium, which can prevent swelling.

When too much salt is consumed, correspondingly, too much water will accumulate in the body, which may lead to high blood pressure and swelling. Hypothermia and swelling are the worst enemies of weight loss. Bananas are rich in potassium, which prevents and improves swelling by flushing excess salt out of the body along with water.

Eat bananas in the morning or at night?

In fact, eating bananas for weight loss is effective both in the morning and at night.

Eating bananas in the morning allows you to utilize the rich enzymes contained in bananas to remove and eliminate accumulated toxins from your body. The key is to eat raw bananas and drink room temperature water and chew them thoroughly. In addition, the best time for a person to have a bowel movement is between 4 am and noon. If you eat a large amount of meat and fish in the morning, your body will use up energy to digest and absorb the food and will not be able to complete the cleansing process. Enzyme-rich bananas pass through our stomach in 10 to 20 minutes, replenishing our energy. Eating bananas at night can boost your metabolism because they contain “arginine” which helps convert body fat into energy. Moreover, between 10pm and 2pm, it is the active phase of human growth hormone secretion, and human growth hormone can promote fat burning. Eating bananas at night can promote the secretion of growth hormone, which makes it easier to burn fat and prevent fat accumulation.

However, no matter whether you eat bananas in the morning or at night, you need to pay attention to some tips in order to achieve weight loss:

Tip 1. Chew your food thoroughly

Chewing bananas thoroughly produces enough saliva, which promotes digestion and creates a greater sense of fullness.

Tip 2. Drink only room temperature water and no other drinks.

Eating bananas while drinking juice, coffee and other beverages will increase calories and lead to weight loss failure. Drinking ice water will lower your body temperature and put pressure on your stomach and intestines, which should also be avoided. Therefore, if you are on a banana diet, do not drink any other beverages and stick to eating only 1 or 2 bananas and drinking warm water at a meal.

Tip 3. Don’t change recipes

If you only eat bananas and drink water in a meal, you may get bored over time and want to change the pattern. However, be aware that once this pattern changes it will be difficult to control calorie intake and it will be difficult to lose weight.

The key to success on the banana diet is to simply enjoy the banana itself. Instead of focusing on the pattern of eating bananas, focus on eating two other meals in a balanced way.

Although bananas are a low-calorie fruit that is not easily fattening, if you have failed with the banana diet, it may be due to the following reasons:

1. insufficient nutrition
2. eating too many other high-calorie foods
3. rebound dietary pattern

There are four countermeasures to avoid this failure:

1. Avoid nutritional deficiencies

Eating only bananas for one meal a day can lead to nutritional deficiencies. When the body goes into starvation mode, it breaks down fat and muscle for energy. Over time, one’s muscle mass decreases and basal metabolism slows down, creating a body that is not easy to lose weight. Therefore, it is crucial that the other two meals are nutritionally balanced.

However, the remaining two meals should not be eaten randomly. Particular attention should be paid to the balance of the three major nutrients in the daily meals. The three major nutrients required by the human body are PFC, i.e. protein (Protein), fat (Fat) and carbohydrates (Carbohydrate), and from a nutritional point of view, it is very important to maintain a balanced diet, i.e., “High Protein, Low Fat, Medium Carbohydrate”.

2. Low-calorie diet to prevent rebound

After losing weight through the banana diet, if you return to your old bad eating habits, you may face the risk of weight loss rebound. The reason is that when you lose more than 5% of your body weight in a month, your body will try to maintain your basal metabolism with fewer calories as a protective instinct, thinking that your life is in danger. At this point, if you go back to your old high-calorie diet, your body will store the energy as fat, and the weight will rise again.

Therefore, maintaining a low-calorie diet, that is, making the calorie intake less than the amount needed for daily burning, so that the weight will naturally be reduced, but only if you make sure that the PFC nutrition is balanced.

3. Combine muscle training and aerobic exercise

Moderate exercise will make the effect of banana weight loss more lasting and effective, you can use a combination of aerobic exercise and muscle training.

Aerobic exercise will promote fat burning to help lose weight, but too much aerobic exercise will consume muscle, resulting in a decline in basal metabolism. However, when combined with strength training, the loss of muscle mass from cardio can be prevented, making it easier to lose weight.

4. Adequate sleep No less than 7 hours a day

When sleep deprivation occurs, growth hormone-releasing peptide, which stimulates hunger, is secreted, leading to overeating and weight loss failure.

On the contrary, when you get enough sleep, the body secretes the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin, which helps maintain dietary weight loss.

Generally adequate sleep requires 7 hours, preferably not less than 6 hours.


No monotonous extreme diet, balanced protein, fat, carbohydrate three nutrients, continuous adherence to at least 3 months, in order to see the real weight loss effect. Because the human body and cells will cycle through metabolism every 1 to 3 months, weight loss lasts more than 3 months before you can expect stable results.

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